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  1. Chapin 60105 Horticultural Vinegar Backpack Sprayer
    Chapin 60105 Horticultural Vinegar Backpack Sprayer
    Chapin 60105 Horticultural Vinegar Backpack Sprayer
  2. Fiesta Herbicide - Lawn Weed Killer - 4 L
    Fiesta 4 Litre Broadleaf Weed Killer for Lawns.
    Fiesta Herbicide - Lawn Weed Killer - 4 L
  3. Wick Weeder Herbicide Applicator - Drift-Free Applicator
    The Wick Weeder with Ball Valve is ideal for professionals who need to lay it on its side in a truck bed.
    Wick Weeder Herbicide Applicator - Drift-Free Applicator
  4. Weed Dragon Home & Garden Torch Kits
    VT 2-23C version pictured above.
    Weed Dragon Home & Garden Torch Kits
  5. Ripagreen - Thermal Weeding System / Thermal Weeder
    The Ripagreen Thermal Weeder is comprised of the Thermal Weeding Lance with Trigger Gun and Mobile Cart. Propane tank NOT included.
    Ripagreen - Thermal Weeding System / Thermal Weeder
  6. Stainless Steel Trowel, Cultivator and Weeders
    Stainless Steel Trowel.
    Stainless Steel Trowel, Cultivator and Weeders
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