Soil Maintenance

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  1. Power Planter Garden Drill Augers - Multiple Colors Available
    Power Planter Planting Auger Drill and Bedding Plant Tool # 307 available in pink or purple colors.
    Power Planter Garden Drill Augers - Multiple Colors Available
  2. Humic DG Organic Dispersing Granular Soil Conditioner SGN 75 for Golf Greens and Tees
    Humic DG Organic Dispersing Granular Soil Conditioner SGN 75 for Golf Greens and Tees
    Humic DG Organic Dispersing Granular Soil Conditioner SGN 75 for Golf Greens and Tees
  3. AquaLock Anti-Transpirant
    AquaLock Anti-Transpirant
    AquaLock Anti-Transpirant
  4. Soil Sampler
    The Soil Sampler (or soil probe) allows you to take soil samples for evaluation. Two sizes from which to choose.
    Soil Sampler
  5. Cross Section Soil Sampler for Golf Greens
    Evaluate soil cores on golf greens with this Cross Section Soil Sampler Probe.
    Cross Section Soil Sampler for Golf Greens
  6. Soil pH Tester / Moisture Meter
    HB-2 Soil pH & Moisture Meter.
    Soil pH Tester / Moisture Meter
  7. Backyard Compost and Soil Thermometer
    For measuring the interior temperatures of compost piles or soil in Fahrenheit.
    Backyard Compost and Soil Thermometer
  8. Heavy Duty Compost Thermometer
    Heavy Duty Compost Thermometer, 5/16" stem.
    Heavy Duty Compost Thermometer
  9. Homeowners Moisture Meter
    Test the moisture in your compost pile or soil.
    Homeowners Moisture Meter
  10. Compost Moisture Meter
    Measure moisture content in compost with this meter.
    Compost Moisture Meter
  11. Brandt Indicate 5 pH Indicator / Acidifier / Water Conditioning Agent
    A multi-purpose adjuvant that acts as a pH indicator, acidifier, water conditioning agent, and a wetter spreader all in one.
    Brandt Indicate 5 pH Indicator / Acidifier / Water Conditioning Agent
  12. Exact pH Buffer and pH Indicator - 10 L
    Mixes with spray solutions to provide visual confirmation via color change that a correct pH level is achieved.
    Exact pH Buffer and pH Indicator - 10 L
  13. KAM's 21-7-7 High Acid Water Soluble Fertilzier / pH Reducer - 15 Kg
    Great for reducing pH levels and providing a high nitrogen source in high pH water conditions.
    KAM's 21-7-7 High Acid Water Soluble Fertilzier / pH Reducer - 15 Kg
  14. Tree Root Injector
    Tree Root Injector 4 gallon backpack tank capacity.
    Tree Root Injector
  15. Rittenhouse RF-3000 Rootfeeder & Soil Injector
    Rugged seamless, schedule 80 stainless steel tubing. Durable Rootfeeder for professional landscapers and arborists.
    Rittenhouse RF-3000 Rootfeeder & Soil Injector
  16. Rootfeeder & Soil Injector with Flow Meter
    With Flowmeter model 34.1302.1.
    Rootfeeder & Soil Injector with Flow Meter
  17. Ez-Ject Soil Injector Lite - S2
    The narrow handle and profile of the EZ Ject Soil Injector Lite allows you to inject fertilizers near dense underbush.
    Ez-Ject Soil Injector Lite - S2
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